Mobius: Radion Calibration
Radion calibration dials in the exact output of each individual diode on your Radion(s). This ensures precise spectral output during lowlight periods and is recommended for all Radion users. Performing a calibration in a dark room will yield the best results.
- Power on all Mobius controlled devices
- Open the Mobius App
- Select the "Settings" tab and then "Devices"
- Select your Radion, then Calibrate
5. Select "Start Calibration"
6. Select "Yes" if the color channel is illuminated. Select "No" if it is not illuminated. Please note, that it may take multiple "Yes" clicks per Channel. You will want to click "Yes" until the channel is completely off, so watch closely. Repeat for each Channel.
7. Once each channel is successfully calibrated, each color channel will flash as a part of the completion process.
Repeat the above steps for each Radion in your account.